Agents at an answering service can help your business grow and help you gain a work/life balance.
Anyone involved in business can tell you that a missed call can mean a missed opportunity for a sale. Studies have shown that 82% of callers will hang up if they get a voicemail prompt from a business they are trying to reach. What’s more, 90% of business inquiries will move on to another company if you don’t answer the first time. That’s some serious potential sales you are passing on to your competitors. But you can’t be sitting by the phone 24/7 waiting with bated breath for that next sales call – you’ve got a business to run and a life to lead. That’s why answering services can help you have a work/life balance while still taking care of your business.
A 24/7 Line to Your Business
By employing an answering service for your business, you are in effect making yourself open for business 24/7/365. How many of your competitors can say that? Chances are, not very many. An answering service utilizes a script-based format with their agents. When a customer calls your phone number, the agent is directed to specific scripts based on the type of call that is received. So, for example, if you are a plumber and a customer calls requesting an estimate, the answering service agent can refer to the script to provide this information. And if there is an emergency that requires the customer to reach you directly, the agent can do this as well.
Your Work/Life Balance
Think about the possibilities that an answering service can provide in terms of your work/life balance. Let’s imagine that your child has a basketball game at 5 pm and you’ve promised them that you won’t miss it. You arrive at the gymnasium ready to cheer their team onto victory. But let’s say that a customer calls your business at 6 pm wanting an estimate for a particular project. Without the help of an answering service, you would either have to leave the game to answer the call and potentially grow your business or risk losing that business along with potentially other clients through word of mouth. An answering service, however, would have answered that call and given your customer the information they requested. And you’re still present at the basketball game supporting your child. How great would that be? The good news is that it is definitely possible!
Get In Touch With TeleRep Today
TeleRep knows how important call center and answering services are to your company. We are well known for our professionalism and excellent customer service when dealing with your valued customers. Let your customers know you care, right now, with our live answering services. To learn how TeleRep can help set your business apart, contact us online or give us a call at 1-800-638-2000. To see more examples of what we’ve done, follow us on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.