Don’t risk your revenue or reputation by letting calls go to voicemail.
The pandemic changed a lot of things about how we do business. On the business owners’ side, they had to pivot to allow workers to stay home. While some found this an ideal working relationship, others are in industries requiring people to be physically present. For customers, the pandemic introduced new ways to interact with the businesses they like, including a lot more connectivity without going into a store. While much of this communication has shifted to the digital, online front, plenty still happens over the phone. Many customers now expect businesses to be more responsive by telephone, both day and night, since we’ve seen that employees can successfully work from home. So what does this mean when your business phone rings and no one answers it? Disappointed customers – perhaps even people disappointed enough to shop elsewhere. Don’t risk your revenue or reputation by letting those calls go to voicemail. Instead, invest in the efficiency and professionalism provided by 24/7 answering services.
Work Smarter
Imagine you’re working at your desk late in the evening, perhaps ordering supplies or doing payroll, and the phone rings. You, of course, answer it because great customer service is essential. Even if the conversation is pleasant, you still will need a few minutes after the call to get back into what you were doing, and when you do, the phone rings again. A task that should have been easy now takes twice as much time. You have a lot on your plate, and every time you answer the phone, that plate overflows more. Working smarter means offloading the phone to call center services so that you can handle those things only you can do. Plus, hiring professional call center agents to answer your phone allows you to pass this work off without worry.
Don’t Miss Those Calls
Unanswered calls could mean lost customers, which is not something you want these days when competition is stronger than ever. Ensure every call is answered so the potential customer doesn’t need to search elsewhere. This is impossible for the over-taxed business owner, but completely realistic when you invest in an answering service. Plus, with a 24-7 service, you capture those leads and retain those customers any time of the day or night in this 24-hour world.
Save Money
It seems counter-intuitive to think you’d save money by hiring work out to an inbound call center, but it’s true. Sure, you have to pay for the service, but your time has value also. If you’re answering the phone, you’re not doing other tasks that are just as, or even more, important.
Experience the Benefits of Call Center Services from TeleRep
Whether you need help with an inbound call center or an outbound call center, TeleRep is here to help. If you still have more questions, our trained professionals are ready to answer them. We know how important customer feedback is to you and your business, so let them know that you care with an answering service. To learn how TeleRep can help you today, visit us online or give us a call at 1-800-638-2000. To keep up with our work and to see what we have been up to, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.