Online and phone surveys both have their pros and cons.
People have been asking this question for several years now. What type of survey is the best for my business? Two of the most common ways of surveying people nowadays is by phone and online. Businesses are always unsure which one is better. It is important to realize that they both have their benefits and negatives. It all depends on your type of business and what works best for you. Here are some things to consider before you decide on a survey method.
Efficiency versus Quality of Responses
This should be one of the top priorities when choosing a survey method for your business. It is faster and easier to survey people online. With just a few clicks, you can send surveys to thousands of people. The problem with phone surveys is that it can be difficult to reach a large number of people in a short amount of time. In addition, if you don’t already, you need employees that will make all of those phone calls for you.
The Human Interaction
When most people feel strongly about something whether it is good or bad, they would rather speak about it than filling out a form. Online surveys are often disregarded and deleted from email accounts. In most cases, you are more likely to receive high-quality responses and feedback from individuals when you speak to them over the phone. Also, many online surveys only have answer choices to pick from which sometimes does not give you the best feedback for your business.
Cost Of Surveys
The cost of a survey is virtually nothing. It does not matter if it is online or over the phone, it will barely cost you anything. However, if you are comparing the two online surveys are the cheaper option because all you usually need is a computer. With phone surveys, you will have to pay people for all the phone calls that need to be made.
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