There are a number of ways that an answering service can cut down on business expenses.
An answering service can do a lot to improve your business. From happier customers to decreased missed opportunities, you can see how an answering service can improve revenue. Also, there are a number of ways that an answering service can help cut down on business expenses. Read on for a few examples of how an answering service can help save your business money.
Employee-Related Costs
One popular alternative to an answering service is to hire a receptionist. However, a receptionist comes with a lot of expenses besides the salary. You will probably have to account for paid vacations and breaks, replacement if your receptionist gets sick, and even insurance and medical benefits. A receptionist is like taking on another employee, with all the financial commitment.
Loss-Of Business
Even the best receptions can be perfect, and they could get overwhelmed with calls they can’t handle all at once. But putting a customer on hold can be bad for business, and many customers hang up and call a different company. Imagine how much worse this would be if you had an answering machine instead of a receptionist. But with an answering service, your customers will always talk to a live representative, no matter how many calls come in.
Time and Equipment
In addition to salary and training, a receptionist will cost time and money in regard to equipment. You must provide an office space with at least a desk, chair, and phone. And you will probably need a computer with the appropriate software as well. Even something as simple as coffee can add up over time. But trying to handle a receptionist’s job by yourself when running your business is a recipe for disaster. So, consider how an answering service can save you time and money while improving your business.
No Time Spent Training
Receptionists will often come and go. Whether they find a new opportunity or get promoted within your organization, you will need to train a new receptionist multiple times during your organization’s tenure. Also, any backup receptionists need training to cover breaks and sick leave. This means less time for you to focus on other necessary tasks. Hiring an answering service means you don’t waste time training new employees. Representatives at TeleRep are already fully trained before they begin working for your company, which saves you time and makes you more money.
Contact TeleRep Today!
If you are ready to install a call center service for your business, TeleRep is here to help. If you still have more questions, our trained professionals are ready to answer them. We know how important customer feedback is to you and your business, so let them know that you care with an answering service. To learn how TeleRep can help you today, visit us online or give us a call at 1-800-638-2000. To keep up with our work and to see what we have been up to, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.