Here are three reasons why voicemail could be holding your business back.
It’s pretty much the standard for the average business to use voicemail to answer customer calls when everyone is away from the phone. But, even though it is expected by customers to have to deal with leaving a message when they call outside of regular business hours, it can still leave them slightly disappointed. Here are three reasons why voicemail could be holding your business back.
Personalized Service
Often the only way for a business to keep up in this economy is by updating its technology or improving the customer experience. Replacing your voicemail with live answering services will accomplish both by showing that you care about customers. When people call your business and are answered by voicemail, they feel like they won’t be treated as a high priority. Live answering services are an efficient and professional way to make customers feel valued.
Business Hours
Although most people know that they should call during the typical business hours of 9 AM to 5 PM, many customers have busy schedules that get in the way. Often, people could call your business after hours because they couldn’t find another time of day. In these cases, eliminating voicemail and giving customers the convenience of a call center representative to answer their questions will come as a pleasant surprise.
Instant Gratification
We live in an age of instant gratification. People have shorter and shorter attention spans, which means that they don’t have time for voicemail. If someone calls and gets answered by a voicemail message, they will probably hang up and call another business instead. Avoid the risk of losing customers by using a call center instead.
Contact TeleRep Today!
If you are ready to install a call center service for your business, TeleRep is here to help. If you still have more questions, our trained professionals are ready to answer them. We know how important customer feedback is to you and your business, so let them know that you care with an answering service. To learn how TeleRep can help you today, visit us online or give us a call at 1-800-638-2000. To keep up with our work and to see what we have been up to, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.